palns and specifications of swimming pool
palns and specifications of swimming pool
palns and specifications of swimming pool
general layout plane

1- location and owner : name and address of the proposed or
modified public swimming pool facility and the name, address and phone number of owner
2- scale and wind direction : scale north point and
direction of prevailing wind
3- designer certification : name, date, address, phone
number, professional seal and signature of the designing engineer or architect
4- plot plan : A plot plan of the property to be used
indicting the topography, grade elevations, arrangement and location of
present and proposed structures, location of site utilities and
location of the proposed of swimming pool, pool enclosure and deck
detailed plans : all detailed plans for public swimming
pool shall be submitted on blue line or white line prints and shall be drawn to
a suitable scale , the detailed palns for facilities shall
show :
1- construction details : complete construction details,
including dimensions, elevations and appropriate cross section
for the swimming pool, pool deck and pool enclosure
2-recirculation system : schematic diagrams and plan and
elevation views of the pool water treatment and recirculation systems, pool
equipment room , and pool equipment room ventilation
3- piping : size and location of all piping, including
specifications : complete, detailed specification for the
construction of the swimming pool, bathhouse. recirculation system
filtration system, disinfection equipment and all other
appurtenances shall accompany the plans