Preparing Your Swimming Pool for Summer
With the warm weather approaching, it's time to think about opening your swimming pool for the season. These following tips and advice should help you in preparing your pool for summer!
the source

- Fill Pool and prime pump, add D.E. if desired
- Remove the cover. If there are leaves or other debris on the cover remove them before removing the cover.
- And Sun Scale and Iron Remover. This helps prevent staining corrosion or scaling on pool and equipment
- After removing the cover, be sure to clean it, let it dry, and store for the season.
- Add Sun Clarifier (as per instructions) This condenses small particles for easier filtration
- Add Sun Conditioner, 8oz. per 1000 gallons (dissolve in a pail of warm water first)
- run Filter All night to completely filter and circulate the water.
- Shock the Pool with Sun Burn or Sun Granular Chlorine per instruction. Always pre-dissolve chlorine before adding to a vinyl liner pool. Pour in return outlet to circulate quickly. This helps to oxidize organic material.
- Add Sun Tablets (sticks) Use a floater or auto-chlorinator . We de not recommend putting tablets in skimmer as this promotes corrosion of filter parts and can damage liners.
- Add Sun Algaecide as per instructions.
- Check pH using a test kit and adjust using sun minus or sun plus. adjust with small quantities and check in an hour
- In one week have water tested.
the source