May 2012

simple fix to water loss issues…

A simple fix if you’re pool is losing water…

If your pool is losing more than about 5/8″ of water in any 24 hour period, there’s likely water loss taking place…somewhere.

Keep in mind that during summer months, it’s not uncommon for a pool to lose 1/2″ a day due to evaporation.  Don’t be alarmed – it’s likely nothing abnormal.

The first step is to confirm there is a leak taking place.

Take a piece of electrical tape (or any type of colored tape that will stick to tile, pebble or your pool surface) and place it directly above the water line in your pool.

Go check the water line 24 hours later – if there’s more than 5/8″ water loss, we need to put on our “detective hat” and get to work.

Start with the most likely source of the leak.
Turn the equipment on and check the backwash hose for any water coming out.  It’s extremely common to break/tear a backwash o-ring (due to normal wear/tear) – this will cause water to get discharged out of the backwash valve. Even though it may be a slow leak, it’s constantly taking place while the equipment’s turned on.
If it is the backwash o-ring that’s causing the water loss, head down to your local retailer and grab a new o-ring set (they’re typically around $10.00 for the set).  When replacing the o-rings don’t just replace the faulty one…replace the entire set (there will be 2 or 3 o-rings depending on the make/manufacturer).
If you have a multi-port assembly, there will be 1 spider gasket at the very top of the backwash port.
If the loss isn’t taking place at the backwash port/valve, it’s time to dive in a bit deeper. 

Check for any cracks at/in the skimmer as well as any water spots throughout the yard
.  Although return side plumbing leaks are pretty rare – they do happen and the repair isn’t fun.
Shoot me an email if you’re encountering a leak at the skimmer or a return side leak.  Also, if you have any digital images of the issue, email them over and I’ll take a peak and personally assist.

I’m super excited that the swim season is right around the corner.  Our youngest boy (Grant) starts swimming lessons here in about 3 weeks…it’s gonna get interesting!     I Can’t wait…   

All the best,
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Swimming Pool Accessories

Within the vast world of swimming pools, shopping can be pretty mind boggling.  Choosing the type of pool and the type of accessories can be very stressful to say the least.  There are decisions everywhere that you’ll need to make, which can be pretty time consuming.  Although there are hundreds of accessories out there for you pool – you can save a lot of time and money if you know what you need.
Swimming Pool Accessories
An accessory that you simply must have for your pool is a cover.  A swimming pool cover is ideal for keeping debris and people out of your pool, and protecting your water.  During the winter season, a cover will keep your pool and water protected from the cold, wind, and even ice.  Depending on the type of pool cover you select, you’ll probably need to use either straps or several heavy objects to ensure that the cover stays in place.
Another accessory that is very beneficial to you is a skimmer.  A skimmer can help you pick up branches, insects, leaves, and other types of debris from the surface of your pool.  The skimmer resembles a large badminton racket, and it can easily save you a ton of money with the maintenance of your swimming pool.  If you use a skimmer each and every day to clean the surface of your water, your pool will stay nice and clean throughout the season.
If you have a concrete below ground pool, you’ll want to make sure that you treat the surface.  If you don’t, it can be extremely hard on the skin.  To treat the surface, you can use pool paint.  Pool paints come in a few choices, such as water, rubber, or epoxy based.  If you use the paint to treat the surface regularly, you’ll protect the surface of your swimming pool and you’ll also help to protect the surface from harsh elements such as the sun and chemicals from the water.
If you live in a colder climate, you should invest in some antifreeze.  When you close your pool down for the winter, antifreeze can help you clean your pipes and pump.  Once you have drained the water from your pool, pump, and pipes, simply pour the antifreeze into them and it will ensure that nothing freezes on cold days.
To enhance the look of your pool and provide room to relax, you’ll need to have some pool furniture.  This doesn’t need to be anything basic, as even the most simplest of furniture will be good enough.  You can decorate your pool area virtually any way you desire, even make it look like your living room if you wish.  When you select your furniture, you should always make sure that you select furniture strong enough to withstand both summer and winter temperatures.
If you are on a budget, you can still get the accessories and supplies you need for your pool without having to spend a fortune.  You can buy your supplies and accessories online at discount prices, or buy locally during a sale.  Most won’t cost you much money, especially if you cut corners and buy only what you need at the lowest prices possible – which is normally during winter.
In the world of swimming pools, some accessories are just fun to have while others are essential to maintaining your pool.  There are hundreds of accessories out there, which can actually be a lot of fun if you just look around at what all you have to choose from.  Although it can consume a lot of your time and money – accessories are something that can actually make your swimming pool experience a heck of a lot better.
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Unique Landscape Swimming Pool that Integrates with the River

The swimming pool form this time showed how uniquely a design that blends with the pool water thus formed an interesting sights from the other side.
Unique Landscape Swimming Pool that Integrates with the River
Here, a pool design that appears to give the impression as if when swimming in the pool as swimming in the River, because it is the position of the pool was very close to the river and only limited by the walls of the glass. However, that does not mean these beautiful swimming pool is fitted in addition to the River, but this position was swimming pool a little on the River, so when the river floods, the river water is not entering the pool. When you swim, you will be pampered with a view of the River, so you will probably feel very comfortable and does not quickly get bored.
Unique Landscape Swimming Pool that Integrates with the River 

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How to ReOpening the Above Ground Swimming Pool

When winter ends , we say Bye bye winter! ,  welcome summer , All people want to re-open the swimming pool

It is essential to remember not to drain out all the water from your swimming pool

When you want to reopening your swimming pool the first step to take is to drain out all the water from your swimming  pool cover by  a pump.

How to ReOpening the Above Ground Swimming Pool

Verify that  not found  any holes  or punch in your above ground pool!

Eliminate all dirt and grunge from your above ground swimming pool cover

Start Filling  your pool with clean water until it reaches your favorite level.

we will discuss the above ground swimming pool pump and filtration system.

Verify that all the electric connector are connected and that the wreckage from the bottom of your pool is cleaned up.

Use your manufacturer’s guide to start up your above ground pool filtration system and water pump.

Make sure that your swimming  pool filter is clean before you start using it to avoid   disease and illness

Then we will start adding chemicals.

  1. Use test strips to test your swimming pool water chemical levels.
  2. Vacuum your above ground swimming pool and brush clean the walls to remove any algae or mire
  3. adding  the chlorine to your above ground pool and confirm that the water chemical level is a desire level

finally , jump in your swimming pool and  fun
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how to prevent Children From Drowning in Swimming Pools

soon summer will  comes swimming pools, water sports and, unfortunately, a greatly increased risk of drowning. Before traveling to a hotel or resort with a swimming pool,  read these facts and safety tips to  to prevent Children From Drowning in Swimming Pools
how to prevent Children From Drowning in Swimming Pools

Drownings Are Quick and Silent:
Child drowning is a silent death. There’s no splashing to alert anyone that the child is in

    Children under the water lose consciousness in two minutes
    Brain damage occurs at five minutes
    Children don't make noise as they go underwater -- they sink quietly

Tips on Preventing Drowning and general rules for pools 

1-Avoid swimming in pool after dark or on night .

2-Don't let children and persons who can't swim well to use inflatable rafts in water that is above their waists.

3-prevent a child from swimming in the pool without an adult.

4-Learn how to swimming well , and teach your family and children to swim after age 4.

5-Instruct babysitters about potential pool hazards to young children and about the use of protective devices, such as door alarms and latches. Stress the need for continuous supervision.

6- when you  missing a child , check the pool first. Seconds count in preventing death or disability.
Go to the edge of the pool and scan the entire pool, bottom and surface, as well
as the pool area.

 With safety
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Amazing Pools Spa with Luxurious shape

Amazing Pools Spa with Luxurious shape

Hello how are
Today offer you a new topic
Here, swimming pool designs which was built in the shape of a dent with unique pool so make your pool design form to be interesting.

Pool Spa Designs

Amazing Pools Spa with Luxurious shape

In addition, plus a spa feature on one side of the pool so make your pool design becomes more complete.
Pool spa can pamper you properly, besides we are playing with the water in the swimming pool, aqua spa was able to indulge in the condition of the body when we are tired.
So you do not need all the way and pay dearly to come into the spa, even in your own home can perform such activities. on the design of the pool this time around, we got aspirant
 about building a pond equipped with aqua spa can pamper you, not hard and not expensive in building swimming pool design like this. Therefore, you need to give it a try. Good luck and I hope this is helpful information design
Amazing Pools Spa with Luxurious shape
with my best wishes
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Swimming Pool Spa in Your Private Swimming Pool

Here, swimming pool spa will pamper you in your own home so that you do not have to pay dearly to come to the spa because you already have it in your favorite home.

Swimming Pool Spa Designs

Swimming Pool Spa in Your Private Swimming Pool
To build this swimming pool spa, you do not need to spend the cost very expensive because you can customize your pool with the condition. Here, will give information about the outdoor swimming pool spa which was built on the outside of your home. You can put your swimming pool in front of the House, back home or are in addition to your home. According to your taste. However, you can add the aqua spa on your pool because it was to be used as a spa in your pool. In building the aqua spa, you need to bring in an expert in the making of such order gets space spa acyl maximum. So that you will be satisfied in using your swimming pool spa. Good Luck.
Swimming Pool Spa in Your Private Swimming Pool Swimming Pool Spa in Your Private Swimming Pool Swimming Pool Spa in Your Private Swimming Pool Swimming Pool Spa in Your Private Swimming Pool
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